a film by tim evers
documentary, 52 min
“DISINTEGRATION - A BAND, AN ALBUM, A GENERATION.” a homage / tribute to the cure. at the heart of this story is disintegration, their most successful album, released in spring 1989 - only a few months before a whole world order would disintegrate with the collapse of the communist bloc in eastern europe.
friends, companions, and fans share their thoughts on the band's significance – from their unique blend of sorrow and euphoria, to their courage to be different, and their influence on youth movements around the world. they talk about the inspiration the cure gave them, the breaking down of the iron curtain, and the lasting impact this album disintegration had in a changing world. a portrait of music, identity, and the power of being different. the film disintegration traces the journey of a band that continues to inspire people all over the world with their style and individuality.
written & directed by: tim evers director of photography: thomas lütz sound: michael thäle editor: thomas kleinwächter grading: christoph sturm sound mix: urs hauck narrator: franz dinda production manager, mdr: kerstin pludra program editor mdr: matthias göpfert editorial assistant mdr: annett liebisch production assistent: stella marie markert, lea marie lembke production intern: milla felicitas lembke producer: susann schimk
a production of solo:film gmbh, on behalf of arte / mitteldeutscher rundfunk.
© 2024 solo:film, arte/mdr
Susann Schimk